Dependent Supplemental Plan (DSP)
When you enroll in the Iron Road Health Care Dependent Supplemental Plan (DSP), we cover your dependent’s annual deductible and out-of-pocket maximum for in-network services for eligible dependents who are on the the Comprehensive Health Care Benefit (CHCB), Managed Medical Care Plan (MMCP), or another employer-sponsored health plan. For example, the deductible for an MRI might be $500 with your primary insurance. If you have a supplemental plan, the deductible of $500 would be covered by the supplemental plan.
It’s important to note that supplemental health plans are optional. You should evaluate your dependents’ existing health coverage and any anticipated expenses. If your spouse had to have knee surgery and your out-of-pocket expense is $1000, would you be able to pay that? If the answer is no, a supplemental health plan might be for you.
Submit a Claim: Click here
To View dependent claims/EOB history; click on the My Benefits tab and then the Benefit Total & Eligibility tab, scroll down and you will see the option to view claims for all dependents in blue.
Video on how to submit claims: Click here
View FAQs: Click here
To Cancel or make changes to the plan Click here